The Sun will Come out Tomorrow, but What if Tomorrow Never Comes?

What if all our wisdom and guidance came from show tunes or from country music songs? We might live in a state of confusion and contradiction. We might sound philosophical and yet find no realistic, practical way to truly live life. Certainly not the abundant life of peace, hope and purpose.

When I worked as a student trainer at UVa, the head trainer was from Oklahoma and the music of choice seemed to be Garth Brooks. To my surprise, I grew to like that style of music and before I knew it, without effort, I could sing along with those songs.

I have to admit that I do not listen to much country music anymore. I have the tuner fixed on 90.5 WCRH with Contemporary Christian music in the kitchen. In the car, I have several K-Love stations programmed so I can track it as I travel. Takes me three FM frequency shifts to make it to Bedford! 🙂

Perhaps I have dropped the toe-tapping, swing your partner tunes of country because in all honesty, I am a one trick pony. I pick a particular station and then stick there. Todd was just making fun of me yesterday about this very habit. “What would you order at Taco Bell?” Yes, I would order a bean burrito…just like always.

Another reason for tuning my radio differently has to do with wisdom, my heart, and the hearts of my kids. I am not saying that country music is evil, but I am saying that I need to take care and to be mindful of what is swimming around in my head and the heads of those in my charge.

Deuteronomy 11:18
Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.

I love to hear the kids’ voices raised in song behind me in the car. Chloe loves to sing and seems to know the words to songs I don’t even remember hearing before. She and my other kids are like little sponges.

When I hear my children singing along with the radio, I know their minds and hearts are open and listening. Do I want the wisdom of chasing away blues with whiskey and beer to be the message or do I want the message to be of the hope found waiting on The Lord.

Occasionally, those Garth Brooks songs come to my mind, especially when the thunder rolls. But more often than not, it is a different song that fills my mind and encourages my heart. It is the Truth of God’s word that soothes and guides me in His wisdom. I want to hear His voice whispering or even shouting to me; I want that for my kids too.

Deuteronomy 11:19
Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.


Timothy with headphones!